1800 x 1200px (WxH) is the maximum image size.
Automatic Image Resizing
clickbooq's Toolbox application will automatically resize your images during the upload process. We recommend that your images meet a minimum of 1800px x 1200px (WxH), so that your images display as large as possible on your site.
Manual Image Resizing and Optimization for Faster Load Times
To optimize your images for faster downloading, you can resize images prior to uploading to 1800px by 1200px (WxH). 1800x1200px is the current maximum image size. Manually optimizing your images can reduce your image file sizes significantly.
As long as the pixel dimensions of your image are set to 1800x1200px (WxH), your resolution can be set to any value, such as 72ppi or 300ppi. It's the pixel dimensions that are the critical factor when resizing your images manually.
Tip: If you use Photoshop's Export > Save for Web (Legacy) interface to export your images, choose the 2-up view to view the exported image alongside the original so you can view the effects of your optimization as you change the Quality setting. Be sure to select JPEG as the file type. A Quality of 60 is a good starting point. Adjusting the Quality setting lower will reduce the file size. Try to reduce the file size to be as low as possible while retaining acceptable image quality. You may be surprised at how small the file size can be while still keeping the image looking great.
What About Color Profiles?
Many modern browsers now support color profiles that are embedded into images. That said, not all browsers and devices are capable of rendering embedded color profiles, either as a limitation of software or hardware.
For that reason, we still recommend converting your exported images to sRGB color space, which is the default profile used online and is supported by all devices. To do this, check the option to "Convert to sRGB":
What about Square format or Portraits that aren't 3:2?
It's fine to upload images in any format/ratio, as long as either the width or the height meet the minimum of 1800px or 1200px respectively. Our automatic resize process will proportionately scale your images to the longest dimension to fit within our 1800x1200px maximum image size.
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