You can set options and edit the styling of your Index Grid within the Design [tab] > Index panel
The Index Grid allows you to create a grid of thumbnail images on a page and then link each thumbnail to a speciIic gallery, page, or external link. In this section, you can set the grid style and options for your Index Grids.
There are six different style options for the Index Grid: Uniform Fixed, Uniform Fluid, Masonry Fixed, Masonry Fluid, Rows Filled and Rows Ragged. To learn more about the different grid styles and available options for each style, please see the Gallery section.
In addition to the Grid gallery style options, you can also set the following options for your Index Grid pages:
• Use the slider to set the amount of Grid Item Padding. You can increase the amount of padding around each thumbnail or set this to 0 for no padding.
• Set visibility of the Text Area to On or Off. Text Area will display the text from your Link Title and Link Description for each index grid thumbnail, which you will create in the Content section.
• Set the alignment of your text to Left or Center.
• Set the amount of padding for the top, bottom, left and right around the Text Area.
• Select the Font options for your Title and Description: Font Family, Size, Color, Text Options. You can also set the amount of padding between the title and description text.
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