You can change or edit the credit card information we have on file for your account at any time. Once you edit your credit card, this will become your new method of payment for all sites connected to your account. It is not possible to have multiple credit cards on one account. If you need to maintain separate sites for billing purposes, please sign up for a new clickbooq account rather than adding sites to your existing account.
clickbooq automatically charges your plan fee, and any fees for additional clickbooq features or services you have purchased, to the credit card account you provided at sign up or subsequently update. Subscriptions renew automatically at the end of each term until you cancel.
To update your Credit Card:
• Click your site name in the upper right hand corner.
• From the menu, select Billing and Plans.
• Click within the fields and type in your changes. To change the credit card number, enter the new number in the field. To change your expiration date, select the Month and Year. Enter the CVV code from your card.
• Click “Submit”. All future charges will be applied to the new credit card.
View Your Invoice Receipts
Invoices are provided electronically to your contact email address. You can also view invoices by clicking the Invoices link. To see individual invoice details, click the link next to each invoice date. This displays the invoice in a separate window. Use your browser’s print function to print a copy of the receipt.
Upgrading/Downgrading your Plan
Before making changes to your billing plan, check to see if you are viewing the site you wish to change. This is important if you manage multiple sites, including free trial sites. To review each of your site’s plan information, click the Site name in the left hand menu.
The Plan Page will show the available plan options and features, your current plan, and a drop down menu to select a new plan option. If you are changing plans, make sure you choose the correct plan level and subscription term (month-to-month or yearly). Submit your plan change.
Plan changes are effective immediately. Any remaining time left on your current plan will be prorated and applied as an immediate credit towards the plan change. Any remaining credit will be applied to your billing account to be automatically applied towards future invoices or renewals of service. Please note, we do not provide refunds for remaining credit balances.
If your current account exceeds the limitations of the new plan, you will receive an error message detailing the changes you will need to make before you can switch to the new plan.
Cancel your Plan
• To cancel your subscription, click your site name in the upper right hand corner.
• From the menu, select Billing and Plans.
• Click on the name of the site you would like to cancel and then click the Cancel Plan button.
• You will be asked to conIirm your decision.
• Once your site subscription has been cancelled, your account will expire at the end of your paid term.
• If you would like us to delete your account immediately, rather than waiting until the end of the paid term, you may submit a ticket to to request we cancel and delete your account immediately. Please note, we do not provide refunds for any unused time.
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