You can create your own Privacy Policy for your End Users (visitors) to review when they visit your clickbooq website.
We suggest creating a standalone Page for your Privacy Policy and creating a link to the Page within your website's Footer text.
Creating a Privacy Policy
To create your own Privacy Policy, we recommend that you review the guidelines set forth by the GDPR and tailor your policy as it pertains to your usage and compliance. For more information on GDPR guidelines and compliance, check out this article.
Step 1. Create a Privacy Policy Page
Log into the Toolbox, then create a new Page. You can optionally create this Page within the Hidden Content section of your website, so it will not be part of your website's main navigation:
Step 2. Enter your Policy text
Drag the Text element to your new Page, then add your policy text.
Step 3: Copy the URL to your Policy Page
Click on the Settings for your new Page. In the popup window that appears, highlight and copy the Direct Page URL:
Step 4. Add a link to your Page in the Footer text for your website
Click on the Settings [tab] of the Toolbox.
Add a link to your Policy in the Footer field
Your link format should look like this (be sure to replace your link):
<a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/pages/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a>
Step 5. Test your new Page
Once you have saved your Settings, launch your website and click the link in the footer.
More information
Your clickbooq website and data collection
clickbooq websites do not collect any personally identifying information from your visitors.
If you use Google Analytics for traffic monitoring, no personally identifiable information is transmitted or collected during visits to your website. Analytics data is anonymous by default, and any identifiable analytics data is not able to be used with clickbooq websites at this time.
Any messages sent through Contact Forms on your website are dispatched immediately, and not stored on our servers once they have been sent, however, it is up to you to ensure that any data received from the use of our integrated Contact Forms uphold the data subject rights of that personal information.
3rd party services
If you use any 3rd party services in conjunction with your clickbooq website, you should review their policies to determine compliance with GDPR regulations.
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