You can select from four different gallery styles: Grid, Slideshow, Vertical Scroller and Horizontal Scroller. Each of these styles has different available options. After you select a Gallery style, make sure you expand each submenu to reveal all of the available options.
The Grid gallery style displays all your images on one page as thumbnails in a grid format. This allows your visitors to quickly and easily view all of your images. When visitors click on a thumbnail in the Grid, they are taken to the slideshow view.
There are six different style options for the Grid: Uniform Fixed, Uniform Fluid, Masonry Fixed, Masonry Fluid, Rows Filled and Rows Ragged.
In the Slideshow gallery style, your gallery images are displayed one at a time. Visitors can manually browse through your images by clicking previous or next buttons. Or, if Autoplay is enabled, visitors can click the “Play” icon in the bottom toolbar to move through the images automatically.
Vertical Scroller
The Vertical Scroller Gallery Style displays all of your images stacked vertically on one page. The visitor can browse your images by using the vertical scroller and does not need to click to the next page. You can set the amount of space between each image.
Horizontal Scroller
The Horizontal Scroller Gallery Style displays all of your images in a horizontal strip. The visitor can browse your images by using a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the image. Visitors can also click the arrows, or on the left or right hand side of the image, to go back or move forward. Use the Image Gutter slider to set the amount of space between each image.
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