A Gallery is a collection of images. Upload images from your computer directly to a Gallery. You may upload single images or multiple images. Once a Gallery has been created, you can also embed it on a Page.
To create a new Gallery:
• Click on the “+” button next to the Site Menu Content header for a Gallery you wish to appear in your site’s navigation menu.
• Click on the “+” button next to the Hidden Content header for a Gallery you do not want to appear in your site’s navigation menu. You can publish or share a link to Hidden content to make it publicly accessible; it just will not appear in your site’s navigation menu.
• A small drop down menu will appear.
• Choose “Gallery”.
• Enter a name for the Gallery. This will be the title of your Gallery.
• Click “Create Gallery”. A new Gallery will appear in your menu panel. If you do not have enough galleries left in your account, you will need to either upgrade your account or delete a gallery before you can create another one.
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