If you are using a Grid-based gallery style for your galleries, or if you are using an Index Grid, you can now enable a feature to display the title for the images when your user mouses (hovers) over the image's thumbnail.
(Note: Hover text is only displayed on desktop browsers with mouse control as touch devices do not support hover behavior)
Enabling Hover Text for ALL Galleries
To enable Hover Text for all galleries, log into the Toolbox and click the Design tab.
Navigate to the Gallery panel, then expand the Grid Options subpanel. Enable the 'Display Hover Text" toggle button:
To enable Hover Text for Index Grids, enable the toggle within the Index panel:
Enabling Hover Text for SINGLE Galleries
To enable Hover Text for a single Gallery, log into the Toolbox and click the Content tab. Then, select the gallery you wish to enable on the left-side Site Menu panel.
Click Gallery Settings to access the settings for the selected gallery:
When the Settings panel opens, scroll to the bottom to enable Custom Gallery Settings. Then select Grid as the style, expand the Grid Options subpanel, and enable the 'Display Hover Text" toggle button. Click the Update button when you are finished to save the settings.
Add Titles for your Images
Hover Text uses the text you have entered for your image Titles, so make sure you have entered a Title for each image that you wish to show Hover Text. Currently, there is a 240-character limit for Hover Text, so we recommend keeping your image Titles succinct.
Changing Hover Text styling options
When Hover Text is enabled, the default colors and style options will be applied. All color and typography-related options for Hover Text are located within the Design [tab] in their respective styling panels.
Tip: To change the color of the background when your image is hovered over, change the Grid Thumbnail Background color setting.
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