To delete images from a Gallery:
*Important Note*: Images that are deleted from a Gallery or Index Grid are not permanently deleted from your account. The images will still remain available in your "All Images" library. Deleting from a Gallery or Index Grid simply deletes that image's association to that specific Gallery or Index Grid.
• To delete a single image, place your mouse over the thumbnail image, then click the “X” in the top right corner of the thumbnail.
• To delete multiple images at the same time, hold down the Command key (Mac) or Control key (PC) and click the thumbnails of the images to highlight them. Then click the Remove Selected Images Button at the top of the Image Browser.
•To delete a Gallery, Page, Folder, or Link, place your mouse over the section's name in the left-hand sidebar to highlight it, then click the “X” icon next to the name:
• To permanently delete an image and remove it from all associated galleries, it must be deleted from the “All Images” folder at the bottom of the Toolbox window. This permanently deletes ALL instances of the photo from your Toolbox.
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